Saturday, September 17, 2011

Wk3 - Reading - Thinking Differently

This week's reading has once again been very inspiring for me. On one hand, I feel I have learned four new life changing ideas, and on the other, I feel that I have just been made aware of something that is natural and that has always been a part of me and of everyone.

These chapters reminded me a lot of one of my closest friends. In my life, I have been blessed with many great friends that care about me very much, but there is one that I feel far more connected to because, while most of my friends care more about the "calculating self", he cares more about the "central self". While many of my friends are always there with typical advice, given more like commands, when a problem arises, he is there to listen and discuss possibilities. It is odd to say, but while he is very reserved and quiet, he is also at the same time extremely passionate about life and what it has to offer. After my reading, I have come to realize more why I respect this person very much.  It is not because of how much money he makes, or because of what kind of car he has, or what kind of house he lives in. It is because he gets it.  His understanding of the way things are stretch beyond the measuring society that has been built up around us all. The reason that I am telling the story of this friend is because we actually started our relationship in a struggle over a girl quite a distance in the past. We were enemies then. At least, that was the way I saw it. I am sure he did not.  My challenge to others after reading these last four chapters would be to try looking at the people you know in a different light when you see them next. Abraham Lincoln once said, "The best way to destroy an enemy is to make him a friend." Thinking in this manner is definitely not the norm, and if you would have told me this quote when I was younger, I would not have understood it so well.  I am glad that things mustn't always stay what they are. I am glad to have learned a different way of seeing things through my experiences and the reading of these chapters.

Thinking Differently - Microsoft Clip Art Gallery


  1. Jon,

    Great point at the beginning, " On one hand, I feel I have learned four new life changing ideas, and on the other, I feel that I have just been made aware of something that is natural and that has always been a part of me and of everyone." I believe we all possess the things necessary to bring out the best, not only in ourselves, but also those with whom we associate. It was neat hearing you refer to your friend the way you did. Not many people I know will honestly admit they have someone in whom they can confide completely. When we do that, we completely open ourselves up for disaster and for you to say that about your friend makes me believe that he can really be trusted. The world needs more people like him.

  2. Thanks for sharing your journey. It's often those when has had some difficulty with in the past who turn out to be the best of friends. Or as Seraphim (from the Matrix movies) said, one most quickly tell ones character when in conflict... I'm glad it turned out great for you.
