Saturday, September 10, 2011

Wk2 - Reading - It's All Invented

I have really enjoyed reading the first four chapters of this book, and I can undoubtedly say that I have learned more about life from those pages than in any other book I have ever read.

While all of the practices in these first four chapters were eye-opening, my favorite was "it's all invented". What a truly remarkable notion, that life is just a game to be played and that I should create possibility myself and others around me. This hit me hard, and I sat at my desk for awhile after reading it to think about how I could do this in my life to help myself and my family and friends. My first thoughts went to finance, and some budgeting difficulties I had been having that were beginning to affect my marriage. It was a bit difficult because it was my first try seeing it in a new light, but it wasn't too long before I came up with quite a few ways to erase my hardships in this area. After this I turned to some other things that had been bothering me (finding time for hobbies and time to help and visit with family, becoming a better teacher), and I tried my new thinking on them as well. In such a relatively short time, I had created so many new possibilities for all of them. It really works! I thought that I had a good grip on reality before, but it turns out I didn't even know what reality was. I wish I had learned this so much earlier on.

Personal Photograph - Schuylkill County Relay for Life 2011


  1. What an eye opening experience. How empowering it most of felt to feel like you had control, or that the ball was back in your court. I also had some similar thought while reading that chapter. I hope that when I need to use it I am able to step back and analyze how to make things look brighter.

  2. Yes, I have to agree with you, the first four chapters have been great reading. I see that you made connections from the reading and that is great because it allows you not only to digest the material but understand it easier. I made connections as well and I must agree it was a learning experience for me as well.

  3. Wow, it's so great that the reading has touched you in a way that you are going beyond a silly reading assignment and thinking about the things that matter most to you. Wonderful.
