Saturday, September 10, 2011

Wk2 - Response to Les

I think you hit it dead on in your reflection on Chapter 2 when you say "Instead of trying to see how things measure up I look for potential". Everyone is so caught up all the time in following the path that has been already laid out by someone else and doing things that were already invented by other people. What if we could all realize this and be brave enough to step outside the lines? Can you imagine the enhancements to life for all?

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Les's Original Post:

I was set to just answer the questions on the reading but just wanted to reflect on the chapters. The Art of Possibility by Rosamund Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander has caused me to deeply reflect and come to some startling conclusions about my Full Sail EDMT experiences.
Chapter 1 “ it’s all invented” really helps us understand that our perspectives are born out of assumptions frolicking with the limitations of what we see. I wanted to get a degree that would cause me to see beyond the limitations. I never thought that the limitations were anchored in my assumptions. I continued to get what I perceived because of the way I understood and manipulated it or it me. What happens when you are empowered to see beyond the false assumed constraints? Possibility emerges and says HELLO! You are now empowered to invent something new based on new perceptions not necessarily changing what you are observing. Hey, this sounds like my CBR project reflections.
Chapters 2. “Stepping into a universe of possibility”. I love this chapter. The authors build on the 1st chapter by calling us to see the endless possibilities presented when our perceptions are changed. The authors’ deal squarely with the world we live in based on measurements and the constant pressure this viewpoint places on us. In the world of measurements we never measure up or fit because the criteria continues to expand. In other words, measurements are often moving targets, sounds counter intuitive but true. When the world of measurements is exposed suddenly many things are seen as opportunities. Instead of trying to see how things measure up I look for potential. EDMT has shown me the potential and I am not discouraged unless I move into the world of measurements.
Chapter 3 “Giving an A”. Wow freeing idea. This concept allows me to enjoy the process of becoming. I mean enjoying every part of the process. I hate making mistakes but they are inevitable and a necessary part of learning. I always said I’m not concerned about the grade but learning the material, He LIES!!!! I have had some challenging months trying to complete the EDMT program and have had to live by learn Les just learn. The professors are wonderful. I found each professor probably practiced the give an A in theory even if they didn’t know it. What they aren’t out to fail me or make sure there is a bell curve, scandalous. How freeing it has been to give myself an A and say “just learn Les just learn”.
Chapter 4 “Being a contribution”. Here is my new approach to change in education. I just want to contributor to students learning and great teaching, period amen.

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