Sunday, September 25, 2011

Wk4 - Wimba

Because I was unable to attend either of the Wimba sessions during Week 4, I shared my project with Daniela and Alicia who were also unable to attend.

It is great to have support!  Photo from Microsoft Clip Art Gallery

Summary of Daniela's feedback:

  • project looks great
  • what a great idea to let kids look up free web tools
  • presenting this to a teacher will open their eyes to the world of free web 2.0 tools
  • give the audience a better idea of what a web 2.0 tool is for those who have never used any

Summary of Alicia's feedback:
  • it looks really good!
  • break up the presentation with some additional slides
  • add some additional pictures

Wk4 - Publishing_Presentation Project

Title Slide for my presentation

My plan for publishing my CBR project involves presenting at the Pennsylvania Educational Technology Conference and Expo in February of 2012. Since I live very close to where this amazing conference will be held, it has become my first choice. I think my topic of free software and web applications will fit because topics appropriate for presentations at this conference include:
  • Adaptive Technology/Special Populations/Accessibility
  • Emerging Technologies
  • Infrastructure/Security/Management
  • Instructional Strategies/Best Practices
  • Learning Environments/Distance Learning/Course Management
  • Library Media Centers
  • Mobile/Wireless Learning Technologies
  • Performing/Creative Arts
  • Policy/Planning/Funding
  • Professional Development/Teacher Preparation
  • Standards/NCLB
  • Technology and Ethics
  • Technology Directions/Trends: Issues, Innovations, and Research
  • Technology Leadership

Wk2 - Think Out Loud Post

Hughes_Jon_PubPresent Project -

Wk4 - Response to Alicia

Your post has reminded me of a great quote by Mark Twain. He said, "People are different. And it is best that way." If we all followed our passions and respected one another, I think this would be a much better world we would be living in.

Let's celebrate our differences! Photo from Microsoft Clip Art Gallery

Alicia's Original Post:

In reading through the final chapters of The Art of Possibility, it was something written in the final pages that seemed to sum up everything for me. The authors wrote "choose the practices that express yourself." This seems to incorporate each aspect of the book, each chapter, and combine it into one simple answer. An answer that many of us probably already know. That we need to chose what works for us.

That simple statement can be true in many different instances. We have to find the theory, the plan, the style that works for us. We cannot do things simply because someone else has done it that way. We can not be held accountable to something that may work for you, because it just might not be what is best for me. In those simple lines, "choose the practices that express yourself," I have been given the freedom to take and use what I can. The author seems to recognize the individuality in each of us. In removing the stress of having to try everything, I have been given the power to know and understand myself.

Wk4 - Response to Lori

I really enjoyed reading your post. Your mission and belief statements that you mention in regards to Chapter 11 were worded very nicely. While many will instantly agree with your message, It is sad to think that there are some adults in schools that do not feel this way. It is also sad to think that the children we come across that make this difficult to do are possibly the way they are because of a lack of love and respect in their home environments. Hopefully, those that see your visions will be inspired and it will make a difference in your community. Great work!

All students deserve love and respect - Picture from Microsoft Clip Art Gallery

Lori's Original Post:

9. Lighting the Spark – The authors give the example of needing 50 cents to pay buy air to inflate a bicycle tire order to get to a museum. Today someone asked me at a gas station for 50 cents to get to Orange County. I gave him the $3 dollars I had. He said, “Sweet!” and thanked me. It was an interesting story of trying to find solutions and that can sometimes seem hard to do when faced with needing to negotiate. This week I began observing a severely disabled student in a classroom to find a solution to some undesirable behavior. I was concerned that the classroom aides may be unwilling to cooperate fully.  The student demonstrated the behavior immediately which was useful and a few minutes later he tried again. This time he was unsuccessful in his attempt. The interesting part was that he communicated (though he is nonverbal) to the aide that she needed to mark on a tally sheet that he had made the attempt. When I mentioned after class, that I believed the tallying might inadvertently be reinforcing the behavior, the teacher immediately responded by moving the sheet from the student’s line of sight. By just being there I have changed the environment, the aides began discussing the behavior openly which led to the revelation about the tally sheet. It made me think about how every environment we enter is changed by our presence, hopefully for the better.
10. Being the Board- a somewhat difficult concept but not so much if you have faith. When you have faith, you have to believe that what happens in your life has meaning or leads you to where you may not have planned for yourself. I already know I am not in control of my life and trying to understand the world from my experience is an important part of realizing that. When difficulties arise then it is time to accept that you need to change.
11. Frameworks for Possibilities – this chapter speaks about stating visions. I had to write mission and belief statements this week for a model school counseling program. They included such things as: all students are worthy of love and respect and deserve to be cherished, and all students have the ability to achieve. I agree with the authors that a broad vision opens things up to possibilities and helps give us a direction.
12. Telling the We Story- I am always aware of the “we.” Groceries do not magically appear on shelves and roads are not paved by magic. We are intricately dependent despite the lone cowboy mentality that drives our country's identity. I almost laugh when I deal with people who believe they are independent. That is just not the truth. Understanding our interdependence is key to compromise and seeing the greater good. 

Friday, September 23, 2011

Wk4 - Reading - Creating Happiness

I am so glad that this book has been a part of our program here at Full Sail. It has given me some of the most useful things that I have learned on this journey.

Photo from Microsoft Clip Art Gallery
In the final chapters, I was struck most by the notion of "being the board". I loved the line, "Gracing yourself with responsibility for everything that happens in your life leaves your spirit whole, and leaves you free to choose again." This concept is difficult for people to grasp, but it is ultimately something that has great power to help create happiness.  I would compare this chapter with the very popular quote by Eleanor Roosevelt, "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." If you can fully understand this message, then you can become a much happier person. You will still get knocked over from time to time, but the amount of time you stay down will be greatly decreased. Once you realize that happiness comes from within, you become the master of your life, and you will then be ready to pass on your graces to others.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Wk3 - Wimba

This Wimba had a very detailed explanation of the week's assignments, which even though they were AR and not CBR, were still very helpful.  I have a much better idea now for the Week 4 presentations than I did before watching the archive.

It was great to hear the discussion on "The Art of Possibility". I am quite enthralled with this book. My new favorite word is possibility!  I think that the practices that the Zanders' have created are perfect. I would love to sit in on a presentation by Benjamin Zander. My favorite chapter from 1 to 8 so far has been Chapter 1. There is no greater truth than "It's All Invented". I have found myself thinking about and using this everyday since reading it.

Possibility!!!! Microsoft Clip Art Gallery

Wk3 - Think Out Loud PPP

I have decided that I would like to do a presentation.  I think it is something that will push me a little more than doing the writing. Also, I have been looking for an excuse to test out some of the new tools that I have   been learning in the EMDT program.

The original conference that I was going to submit my presentation proposal to was the Tri-State Education Technology Conference, but the deadline for submissions does not match up with our EMDT assignments very well. Because of this, I will now submit my proposal to the Pennsylvania Educational Technology Conference and Expo.  This conference will be held in February, and their deadline for proposals isn't until the middle of October. I have never been to this conference before, but it seems like a good fit for me. I have read through most of the information on their website, and it looks like an excellent place to present my topic.

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