Sunday, September 25, 2011

Wk4 - Wimba

Because I was unable to attend either of the Wimba sessions during Week 4, I shared my project with Daniela and Alicia who were also unable to attend.

It is great to have support!  Photo from Microsoft Clip Art Gallery

Summary of Daniela's feedback:

  • project looks great
  • what a great idea to let kids look up free web tools
  • presenting this to a teacher will open their eyes to the world of free web 2.0 tools
  • give the audience a better idea of what a web 2.0 tool is for those who have never used any

Summary of Alicia's feedback:
  • it looks really good!
  • break up the presentation with some additional slides
  • add some additional pictures

Wk4 - Publishing_Presentation Project

Title Slide for my presentation

My plan for publishing my CBR project involves presenting at the Pennsylvania Educational Technology Conference and Expo in February of 2012. Since I live very close to where this amazing conference will be held, it has become my first choice. I think my topic of free software and web applications will fit because topics appropriate for presentations at this conference include:
  • Adaptive Technology/Special Populations/Accessibility
  • Emerging Technologies
  • Infrastructure/Security/Management
  • Instructional Strategies/Best Practices
  • Learning Environments/Distance Learning/Course Management
  • Library Media Centers
  • Mobile/Wireless Learning Technologies
  • Performing/Creative Arts
  • Policy/Planning/Funding
  • Professional Development/Teacher Preparation
  • Standards/NCLB
  • Technology and Ethics
  • Technology Directions/Trends: Issues, Innovations, and Research
  • Technology Leadership

Wk2 - Think Out Loud Post

Hughes_Jon_PubPresent Project -

Wk4 - Response to Alicia

Your post has reminded me of a great quote by Mark Twain. He said, "People are different. And it is best that way." If we all followed our passions and respected one another, I think this would be a much better world we would be living in.

Let's celebrate our differences! Photo from Microsoft Clip Art Gallery

Alicia's Original Post:

In reading through the final chapters of The Art of Possibility, it was something written in the final pages that seemed to sum up everything for me. The authors wrote "choose the practices that express yourself." This seems to incorporate each aspect of the book, each chapter, and combine it into one simple answer. An answer that many of us probably already know. That we need to chose what works for us.

That simple statement can be true in many different instances. We have to find the theory, the plan, the style that works for us. We cannot do things simply because someone else has done it that way. We can not be held accountable to something that may work for you, because it just might not be what is best for me. In those simple lines, "choose the practices that express yourself," I have been given the freedom to take and use what I can. The author seems to recognize the individuality in each of us. In removing the stress of having to try everything, I have been given the power to know and understand myself.

Wk4 - Response to Lori

I really enjoyed reading your post. Your mission and belief statements that you mention in regards to Chapter 11 were worded very nicely. While many will instantly agree with your message, It is sad to think that there are some adults in schools that do not feel this way. It is also sad to think that the children we come across that make this difficult to do are possibly the way they are because of a lack of love and respect in their home environments. Hopefully, those that see your visions will be inspired and it will make a difference in your community. Great work!

All students deserve love and respect - Picture from Microsoft Clip Art Gallery

Lori's Original Post:

9. Lighting the Spark – The authors give the example of needing 50 cents to pay buy air to inflate a bicycle tire order to get to a museum. Today someone asked me at a gas station for 50 cents to get to Orange County. I gave him the $3 dollars I had. He said, “Sweet!” and thanked me. It was an interesting story of trying to find solutions and that can sometimes seem hard to do when faced with needing to negotiate. This week I began observing a severely disabled student in a classroom to find a solution to some undesirable behavior. I was concerned that the classroom aides may be unwilling to cooperate fully.  The student demonstrated the behavior immediately which was useful and a few minutes later he tried again. This time he was unsuccessful in his attempt. The interesting part was that he communicated (though he is nonverbal) to the aide that she needed to mark on a tally sheet that he had made the attempt. When I mentioned after class, that I believed the tallying might inadvertently be reinforcing the behavior, the teacher immediately responded by moving the sheet from the student’s line of sight. By just being there I have changed the environment, the aides began discussing the behavior openly which led to the revelation about the tally sheet. It made me think about how every environment we enter is changed by our presence, hopefully for the better.
10. Being the Board- a somewhat difficult concept but not so much if you have faith. When you have faith, you have to believe that what happens in your life has meaning or leads you to where you may not have planned for yourself. I already know I am not in control of my life and trying to understand the world from my experience is an important part of realizing that. When difficulties arise then it is time to accept that you need to change.
11. Frameworks for Possibilities – this chapter speaks about stating visions. I had to write mission and belief statements this week for a model school counseling program. They included such things as: all students are worthy of love and respect and deserve to be cherished, and all students have the ability to achieve. I agree with the authors that a broad vision opens things up to possibilities and helps give us a direction.
12. Telling the We Story- I am always aware of the “we.” Groceries do not magically appear on shelves and roads are not paved by magic. We are intricately dependent despite the lone cowboy mentality that drives our country's identity. I almost laugh when I deal with people who believe they are independent. That is just not the truth. Understanding our interdependence is key to compromise and seeing the greater good. 

Friday, September 23, 2011

Wk4 - Reading - Creating Happiness

I am so glad that this book has been a part of our program here at Full Sail. It has given me some of the most useful things that I have learned on this journey.

Photo from Microsoft Clip Art Gallery
In the final chapters, I was struck most by the notion of "being the board". I loved the line, "Gracing yourself with responsibility for everything that happens in your life leaves your spirit whole, and leaves you free to choose again." This concept is difficult for people to grasp, but it is ultimately something that has great power to help create happiness.  I would compare this chapter with the very popular quote by Eleanor Roosevelt, "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." If you can fully understand this message, then you can become a much happier person. You will still get knocked over from time to time, but the amount of time you stay down will be greatly decreased. Once you realize that happiness comes from within, you become the master of your life, and you will then be ready to pass on your graces to others.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Wk3 - Wimba

This Wimba had a very detailed explanation of the week's assignments, which even though they were AR and not CBR, were still very helpful.  I have a much better idea now for the Week 4 presentations than I did before watching the archive.

It was great to hear the discussion on "The Art of Possibility". I am quite enthralled with this book. My new favorite word is possibility!  I think that the practices that the Zanders' have created are perfect. I would love to sit in on a presentation by Benjamin Zander. My favorite chapter from 1 to 8 so far has been Chapter 1. There is no greater truth than "It's All Invented". I have found myself thinking about and using this everyday since reading it.

Possibility!!!! Microsoft Clip Art Gallery

Wk3 - Think Out Loud PPP

I have decided that I would like to do a presentation.  I think it is something that will push me a little more than doing the writing. Also, I have been looking for an excuse to test out some of the new tools that I have   been learning in the EMDT program.

The original conference that I was going to submit my presentation proposal to was the Tri-State Education Technology Conference, but the deadline for submissions does not match up with our EMDT assignments very well. Because of this, I will now submit my proposal to the Pennsylvania Educational Technology Conference and Expo.  This conference will be held in February, and their deadline for proposals isn't until the middle of October. I have never been to this conference before, but it seems like a good fit for me. I have read through most of the information on their website, and it looks like an excellent place to present my topic.

Logo from

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Wk3 - Response to Dena

This is a perfect review of these chapters from our reading. You have done an excellent job of pulling out the important pieces from each. I like how you mention in your post that nobody is promised another day and how you related this to the reading. It is a grim, cold truth, but if you understand this fully and think about it enough, it really can change the way you live and more importantly the way you affect others lives. Thanks for your insight! Great job!

Possibility abounds! Microsoft Clip Art Gallery

Dena's Original Post:

Any Chair
 Leaders sit in all types of chairs.  We have leaders of our country, of our schools, of our communities, and of our organizations, just to name a few.  So the concept of any chair does apply.  As educators our job is to lead our students in the right direction to prosper into life long learners.  Some types of leaders were mentioned in this chapter that stood out and one was the insensitive management type leader.  These types of leaders may take us further down in the reading when we meet the wall.  It also brings to mind the two types of self.  The calculating and the central.  The calculating is the more dominant one and I think that is where the insensitive mangement leader fits in.  I thought the statement, " A leader does not need a podium, she can be sitting quietly.  The leader maybe anyone of us."  I thought that was powerful.  People in higher positions can just supply the tools and allow the work to be done.  It would lmake the work environment a bit more pleasurable to work in.  There are leaders in everyone, it just needs to be brought out of the individual.

Rule #6
I love this rule.  Lighten up and have a sense of humor, that helps to alleviate the stresses of life.  Enjoy life while you have it because no one is promised tomorrow.   I also agree that it is important to look at yourself in the situation and ask is it me.  It may not be you but at least you have explored the possibilities.  I also got the message that you should take the opportunity to explore your inner self.

The Way
 This concept should have a balance.  I agree that sometimes it is easier to accept things as they are rather than fuss over everything. On the other hand right is right and wrong is wrong, therefore you have to be careful of what you accept.  There were a few statements that I withdrew from the text.  " When we dislike a situation we tend to put all our attention on how things should be rather than how they are."  "A storm sweeps overhead showers and thunder only to be followed by clear patches of blue."  "Nature makes no judgement. Humans do."  These statements are so true.

The Wall
The wall is not a good place to be because communication has shut down.  If you can not communicate, you will not be able to resolve anything.  " The practice of being with the way things are allows us to alight in a place of openness where the truth readies us for the next step and the sky opens up."  I agree with this statement.

Giving Way to Passion
The message I received was get on with things that matter to us.  There were two ways:
1.  Release those barriers of self that keep you separate and in control.
2.    Allow yourself to be a channel to shape the stream of passion into a new expression for the world.

Wk3 - Response to Heather

What a great post, Heather!

Rule 6 is great, and I have to admit that I am not always good at this one. Going through this program with you over the last 11 months, I have definitely noticed that you are very good at Rule 6 thinking. I can't imagine what it must have been like for you growing up in the situation that you did, but I also, with Christine and Dena, commend you for coming through it a stronger, better person. I would love to be a fly on the wall in one of your classes! I think I would learn a lot about teaching from seeing you in action.

Rule 6! - Microsoft Clip Art Gallery

Heather's Original Post:

As a teacher we are always “leading from a chair”.  I can’t make my students learn, I can’t make them succeed.  My goal is to guide them, engage them, and help them create that inner desire to succeed on their own.  I understand the idea of asking what is wrong with me if they are not succeeding, but I also think that this can take away some of the personal responsibility of the students.  Students need to also participate for the relationship to work.

I love, love, LOVE Remember Rule #6.  I totally live by this!  I vow to never take myself too seriously and try to lighten up the mood with humor whenever possible.  I have found that this helps to ease tense situations…also defusing a situation with humor often times allows both parties to leave with their dignity (save face).  I am also not opposed to their Have the best ______ ever scenario ::wink, wink::

I also found the inner battle between the calculating self and central self very intriguing.  After reading this, it was easy to ascertain which self tries to be dominant in certain situations.  While I usually stay in the central self, there are time where I find my calculating self trying to rear it’s ugly head.

The way things are is such a difficult concept sometimes.  There are times when you just want to vent, cry, scream and not accept the injustice of certain things.  However, in the end, there usually isn’t much you can do to change the situation, only your reaction to that situation.  I try to highlight this with students when we talk about childhoods and the situations in which we were raised.  I was raised in a difficult situation, where I was always in that survival mode with a drug-addicted parent until I entered the 6th grade.  I told my students that I could have held onto this difficult background and let it guide my adult life.  Instead I chose to realize that this was the situation and that I could rise above it…I didn’t let my inability to change my past alter my future.

Wk3 - Reading - Thinking Differently

This week's reading has once again been very inspiring for me. On one hand, I feel I have learned four new life changing ideas, and on the other, I feel that I have just been made aware of something that is natural and that has always been a part of me and of everyone.

These chapters reminded me a lot of one of my closest friends. In my life, I have been blessed with many great friends that care about me very much, but there is one that I feel far more connected to because, while most of my friends care more about the "calculating self", he cares more about the "central self". While many of my friends are always there with typical advice, given more like commands, when a problem arises, he is there to listen and discuss possibilities. It is odd to say, but while he is very reserved and quiet, he is also at the same time extremely passionate about life and what it has to offer. After my reading, I have come to realize more why I respect this person very much.  It is not because of how much money he makes, or because of what kind of car he has, or what kind of house he lives in. It is because he gets it.  His understanding of the way things are stretch beyond the measuring society that has been built up around us all. The reason that I am telling the story of this friend is because we actually started our relationship in a struggle over a girl quite a distance in the past. We were enemies then. At least, that was the way I saw it. I am sure he did not.  My challenge to others after reading these last four chapters would be to try looking at the people you know in a different light when you see them next. Abraham Lincoln once said, "The best way to destroy an enemy is to make him a friend." Thinking in this manner is definitely not the norm, and if you would have told me this quote when I was younger, I would not have understood it so well.  I am glad that things mustn't always stay what they are. I am glad to have learned a different way of seeing things through my experiences and the reading of these chapters.

Thinking Differently - Microsoft Clip Art Gallery

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Wk2 - Wimba

This Wimba archive was an excellent review of the Week 1 readings and videos on Copyright issues. I still have some grey areas in my head, but I do understand the law as it is much better than I did in the past.  After watching the archive and thinking more about this, I believe that there are much needed changes needed for copyright law to catch up with technological innovations, but I also think that Creative Commons is on the right track for allowing creators more options for licensing creative works. I love using Creative Commons in my professional and my personal life, and it is something that I will be covering in great depth this year with my middle school students in computer class.  Near the end of the archive, it was mentioned that educators need to start creating the change they want to see and that they should be out speaking to lawmakers instead of just complaining. This is awesome advice, and it is something that I am feeling more of a call to do as my experience and expertise grows.

Microsoft Clip Art Gallery

Wk2 - Think Out Loud PPP

As of this moment, I am not sure whether or not I would like to publish or present. I think that both of these options are amazing, and I still want to think about it a little so that I choose something that will really turn me into a better version of me.

If I choose to submit my work to be published in a journal, I would probably pick the Journal of Interactive Learning Research. I think that the topics covered in my CBR project would be a good fit for this publication.

If I choose to do a presentation, I would like to present at the Tri-State Educational Technology Conference (TSETC). They are accepting proposals for presenters until September 19th for their 2011 conference in New York City, so there is still time for this year! I love the slogan for this conference - "Ideas to engage, technology to inspire." This is only the second year for the TSETC, but I do see it becoming a huge event for future-minded educators in my area.

Logo for the TSETC -

Wk2 - Response to Les

I think you hit it dead on in your reflection on Chapter 2 when you say "Instead of trying to see how things measure up I look for potential". Everyone is so caught up all the time in following the path that has been already laid out by someone else and doing things that were already invented by other people. What if we could all realize this and be brave enough to step outside the lines? Can you imagine the enhancements to life for all?

Microsoft Clip Art Gallery

Les's Original Post:

I was set to just answer the questions on the reading but just wanted to reflect on the chapters. The Art of Possibility by Rosamund Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander has caused me to deeply reflect and come to some startling conclusions about my Full Sail EDMT experiences.
Chapter 1 “ it’s all invented” really helps us understand that our perspectives are born out of assumptions frolicking with the limitations of what we see. I wanted to get a degree that would cause me to see beyond the limitations. I never thought that the limitations were anchored in my assumptions. I continued to get what I perceived because of the way I understood and manipulated it or it me. What happens when you are empowered to see beyond the false assumed constraints? Possibility emerges and says HELLO! You are now empowered to invent something new based on new perceptions not necessarily changing what you are observing. Hey, this sounds like my CBR project reflections.
Chapters 2. “Stepping into a universe of possibility”. I love this chapter. The authors build on the 1st chapter by calling us to see the endless possibilities presented when our perceptions are changed. The authors’ deal squarely with the world we live in based on measurements and the constant pressure this viewpoint places on us. In the world of measurements we never measure up or fit because the criteria continues to expand. In other words, measurements are often moving targets, sounds counter intuitive but true. When the world of measurements is exposed suddenly many things are seen as opportunities. Instead of trying to see how things measure up I look for potential. EDMT has shown me the potential and I am not discouraged unless I move into the world of measurements.
Chapter 3 “Giving an A”. Wow freeing idea. This concept allows me to enjoy the process of becoming. I mean enjoying every part of the process. I hate making mistakes but they are inevitable and a necessary part of learning. I always said I’m not concerned about the grade but learning the material, He LIES!!!! I have had some challenging months trying to complete the EDMT program and have had to live by learn Les just learn. The professors are wonderful. I found each professor probably practiced the give an A in theory even if they didn’t know it. What they aren’t out to fail me or make sure there is a bell curve, scandalous. How freeing it has been to give myself an A and say “just learn Les just learn”.
Chapter 4 “Being a contribution”. Here is my new approach to change in education. I just want to contributor to students learning and great teaching, period amen.

Wk2 - Response to Daniela

I have to admit that I was always a big one for keeping up with the Jones', and that in my life, my brother is the Jones'. We constantly are trying to one up each other. I think that it is bad in many respects to try to live this way, but there is still a part of me that believes that our rivalry shows great respect for one another and has helped each of us and some around us to live better lives as well. What do you think, Daniela? Has there ever been anyone that you tried to keep up with and feel it actually was beneficial to do so? Do you think that this is similar to engaging people in your passion in any way?

Microsoft Clip Art Gallery

Daniela's Original Post:

The Art of Possibility has been a great book to read. I am such a big believe in that you get you put in, and you are only as good as you think you are. Those two beliefs fall right in line with everyone getting an A. If you think you’re an A you’ll perform like an A. How great is that!
Now I think that you can teach this to kids and they too will rise to the occasion, but I would worry about them at a young age not wanting to anymore because they already earned an A. I know that in the book it talks about being the second violinist, but that comes with maturity.
It caught my attention to think that we live in a world of measurement. As a society everyone like to know where he or she stack up, or how they are ‘keeping up with the Jones’.  I love the idea that we can make our own realities by taking a step and removing our preconceptions. By looking at the glass as half full. Not that you can create your own powerful Universe by simple thinking it can happen, but by doing things you love and engaging people in your passion, as they state in the book.
I think this book is great read for anyone!

Wk2 - Reading - It's All Invented

I have really enjoyed reading the first four chapters of this book, and I can undoubtedly say that I have learned more about life from those pages than in any other book I have ever read.

While all of the practices in these first four chapters were eye-opening, my favorite was "it's all invented". What a truly remarkable notion, that life is just a game to be played and that I should create possibility myself and others around me. This hit me hard, and I sat at my desk for awhile after reading it to think about how I could do this in my life to help myself and my family and friends. My first thoughts went to finance, and some budgeting difficulties I had been having that were beginning to affect my marriage. It was a bit difficult because it was my first try seeing it in a new light, but it wasn't too long before I came up with quite a few ways to erase my hardships in this area. After this I turned to some other things that had been bothering me (finding time for hobbies and time to help and visit with family, becoming a better teacher), and I tried my new thinking on them as well. In such a relatively short time, I had created so many new possibilities for all of them. It really works! I thought that I had a good grip on reality before, but it turns out I didn't even know what reality was. I wish I had learned this so much earlier on.

Personal Photograph - Schuylkill County Relay for Life 2011

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Wk1 - Wimba

Well here we are... Month 11!!!  I am finding it very hard to believe that it is almost graduation time!

This Wimba archive offered excellent explanations of all class assignments. It is always nice to get to hear directions in addition to reading them. It was also great to hear all of the specific information for the CBR website and the Lit Review. These are two things that I admit to not always being so good about. I will say though that I am surprised at how all of the assignments throughout the year have led us to this point where I feel like I might have done somewhat better than I kept thinking. The EMDT team at Full Sail has done a great job planning and organizing this program.

It is amazing to hear about the Publishing/Presentation Project! I feel like this is something that will definitely make me feel like more of a professional in my field. I think that at the end of all this, a teacher can feel confident to move on to bigger and better things in the world of education, and not only that, but they can feel confident that they can CREATE the future of education!

Microsoft Clip Art Gallery

Wk1 - Response to Christine

I enjoyed your comment on teaching digital natives to respect intellectual property. I want to tell you that I couldn’t agree with you more, but yet I am beginning to wonder if we are fighting for a worthwhile cause. I teach 7th grade computer, and I see students taking things off of the Internet all the time to include in their projects, and they really do not see the point of why I ask them to give credit to the original creator. I think the way they see it is that if a person was willing to put their creation online where they know it can be seen by millions and can easily be copied, then why does it matter where they got it from? What they are copying could very well already be a copy of something else, and so forth. If you do not want to have your creation copied, then you should not post it online. What are your thoughts on this?

Microsoft Clip Art Gallery

Christine's Original Post:

There is a lot to think about from each position on copyright laws. Each of the different views express a point that is very valid. In my opinion, as technology changes laws and reasonable use has to change also. The students who have been raised in the digital age, digital natives, have only known the somewhat open door policy of the Internet. And, unless they are taught about intellectual property from the beginning then they will continue to have a lack of respect for what someone has created. I agree that when someone creates something they should be compensated and given credit for or even have the right to say no to others using it, but I also think if it can be improved upon significantly to the degree that it changes the original creation, and then someone else should share in the credit and still get the consent of the original artist.
The Fair use and Shepherd Fairey case makes me look closer at my original statement of fair use. In my opinion, what he created does not change or improve upon the original photo for him to claim the result as his.  Since the original photo was very recognizable, it should have been clear to the artist that permission to use it was needed and the original AP freelance photographer should have been compensated or credited.
In the case of music that has been sampled and still recognizable the same thing applies. Not enough has been changed to make it clearly another person’s work.
I found the case of Bridgeport v Dimension films and De minimis use very interesting.  I am still unsure of how the verdict came about and how they were able to identify that snippet of music as theirs. Also I was curious to know if the original Dr. Dre song was completely digitally created and did they admit to sampling from this particular company and because it was so digitally enhanced was it the same piece of music. I do not see how it infringed upon the original copyright.
In comparison to other countries, the United States has some of the tougher copyright laws. Again I think it is time to make changes to the laws in this digital age. Since access to technology and knowledge on how to create or duplicate something has been made accessible to the consumer, new copyright laws need to address that.
I think Creative Commons has the right idea. Its rules are very clear and it still allows for creativity to develop.  I think all genres should join in. Intellectual property has to be protected so that it does not stifle creativity of the original creator and those who want to use it, legally.

Wk1 - Response to Mike


I like how you mention money and greed and how they intertwine with copyright issues. I agree with you strongly that people that "create" should be protected and should be able to share in the wealth that is generated by their creations. One thing I think about here though that may seem a bit radical is that I feel sometimes people who are not very talented but have more resources or connections have a much easier time establishing copyrights and thus reaping the benefits from them. I find it sad that there are so many people out there that are extremely skilled and intelligent that can't "cash in" on their creations because they do not know how or do not know the right people. What do you think?

Photo by Liz West - Creative Commons

Mike's Original Post:

Although copyright, to me, seems pretty “cut and dry,” there are still a lot of things that must not be overlooked. The more I think about copyright issues, the more I become angry at the people who use this as a way to simply get richer. Who in their right mind would want to copyright a calendar?

What a clever way to introduce the topic of fair use. I must admit, I was not absolutely sure as to what fair use was before I watched that. But now, it is very clear. Here is the way I translate fair use. If I wish to use a small certain a copyrighted work, for specific things, such education or news, for a certain time period, I will be protected, as long as: it does not change the original work or it’s value. That’s fair enough! Now when it comes to fair use and free speech in documentary films, I am a little lost. I understand, vaguely, the rationale behind documentary films, but when it comes to the regulations pertaining to speech within a documentary film, that’s where I get lost. I will have to do some more digging to find out. So let me summarize fair use this way (help me if I’m wrong). I wish to use something that is copyrighted, then I need to make sure that it is not too large or too long, I need to make sure that I use that in positive manner, and I need to be certain that I give credit to the original creator.

There are several reasons why I like the Creative Commons is the fact that you can share your ideas with the entire world and don’t have to worry about all of the many restrictions built in with copyright. Yes. There are some restrictions with the Creative Commons but they are far friendlier than those that are associated with copyrights. Using these parameters, you are allowed to be creative and share your thoughts and ideas with the world. And, in my opinion, that is the one thing that can break all the fetters that bind creativity. When a person is allowed to express themselves in whatever way they choose for the betterment of society, then why not let them share their ideas with other, as long as they receive the credit they so deserve. When I down load something from creative commons, I am free to use it as long as I: 1) Give credit where credit is due, 2) Use it in a non – commercial manner, 3) Allow others to use the work without changing it, and 4) Share this resources with others in the same manner in which I used it.
In summary, I believe that copyrights are an integral part of the preservation of our culture. There have been many people that have contribute their work to our society and it has caused major change. I believe that those people need to receive the credit they deserve for their contribution. However, in other cases, I believe that people are just being selfish or greedy and want to take advantage of others who are trying to contribute something positive to society. In this instance, I believe the efforts of those working to create something should be recognized and their creations be protected so they can share in the value of what they have contributed to society.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Wk1 Reading: Copyright Issues

In Part I of this week's reading, I gained a far better knowledge of what a copyright actually was than I had previously. The Good Copy/Bad Copy documentary was simply awesome! From the stories of the artists known as Girl Talk and Danger Mouse, to the topics of The Pirate Bay and Creative Commons, I think that the overall message here was that regardless of what copyright laws exist around the world, it will not stop people from being inspired by the works of others and from using that inspiration to create their own works. I don't know if it was planned or not, but the ending of the documentary fascinated me, where the artist from Pittsburgh was creating a remix of a remix by a Brazilian producer. It all came together so perfectly, and this scene really drove home the point for me.

In Part II, I loved the Fair Use Fairy Tale! I found it to be a very creative way of explaining a complicated subject. It appeared as though the creator of this video was angry, and it always amazes me that such brilliant works can come from such emotions. As an educator, I sometimes wish that all uses of copyrighted materials in the classroom would be considered Fair Use, but I also try to see the reality of economy and the ability of creativity to yield enough money to support a comfortable life. Also, in Part II, the story of Shepard Fairey and the Obama Hope Poster was just crazy. I had seen this poster so many times, but I never knew the story behind it and the copyright battles that stemmed from this political piece.

Part III was the most enlightening!  Creative Commons is the place to go to see the beginnings of the future of creative licensing in our ever-changing world. The different license types that are available seem to be so simple, that it is a wonder that they have not caught fire in the educational world faster. This is such a perfect resource that all teachers should be aware of and teaching to their students. In his TED Talk, Larry Lessig made some very clear points, but the one that I really enjoyed hearing out loud was his closing message about how kids are different today because of technology, and that society has created a culture of corruption because everyday people are living against the law. Our country and many other democracies around the world are in desperate needs of makeovers, and I believe that the time for this to happen is not far around the corner.

Picture created by Meredith Atwater, obtained from Creative Commons