Saturday, February 12, 2011


1.     Importing and Organizing Footage
o   Setting Up a New Project – For most new users, the settings do not need to be changed when beginning a new project. When you create a Premiere project, the program only creates links to the video and other files that are needed. Because of this, you should never move your files on your computer while you are working on the project. It is a good idea to set up Premiere to autosave your project so that you do not accidentally lose your work.

o   Creating a New Sequence – Sequences are the building blocks of a project in Premiere. When creating a new sequence, you should match your preset video settings to the settings of your footage that you will be using. To create your own settings, you can select the general tab and then choose ‘Desktop’ to input your own settings.

o   Capturing and Ingesting Footage – Capturing is getting footage from a tape. Ingesting is getting footage from a file on the computer.
o   Importing Files – The media browser can be helpful in finding just the files that are needed to import. Adobe Bridge is also a great way to import footage because it allows you to preview the clips before importing.
o   Sorting and Organizing Clips – A great way to keep organized is to create bins in your project panel. One of the easiest ways is to create bins for audio, video, images, and sequences.
o   Helpful Shortcuts & Terms:
o   New Sequence
o   Capturing – footage from tape
o   Ingesting – footage from files on computer
o   Footage, Clips, and Assets are interchangeable terms
o   Import – Command+I, double-click in Project panel

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